Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Setting Default Fonts in Crystal Reports

Tired of constantly formatting your fields in Crystal Reports?  Frustrated because you  have to do it for every report?  Crystal Reports uses default fonts provided in the database and they are not usually what you would consider attractive for your report.  You can change the default fonts so that when you design a new report, Crystal will use your preferred fonts in the new report.

Before you start your next report, take the time to set your default fonts for all future reports by following these steps:

From the File Menu, select Options.Choose the Font tab.Select each field category, select the font face and size. (For example: for Group Names, you may like Arial 12 and Bold.)Consider making the Summary Fields the same style, so the Subtotals will automatically match the Group Names.Fields are the record data, so a smaller size would be appropriate (e.g, 10 or 11).Field Titles are the Field Names or Labels that automatically go in the Page Header so you may want to Bold and Underline them.  Maybe make them a size larger than the fields.

Remember, Crystal Reports is a professional presentational reporting tool.  Your reports should appear professional, but they do not have to be difficult or time consuming for the report designer.  The main goal is to provide the correct data, but it’s nice if you can do it with a little style.

Hope this makes your reporting easier for you!!

Formatting Reports is covered in our Introduction to Crystal Reports 2008 class.

View the original article here

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